Monday, April 17, 2023 1:42 PM | Michelle Suzuki (Administrator)

Many of us, including those on the MPG Board, have been disappointed by the timeliness of the MPG website. Many of the site's issues were caused by the behind-the-scenes structure of the site and the way it was administered. After battling these issues for years, the Board decided that the best way to fix it was to start over. So MPG is proud and happy to announce an all-new version of the organization's website,
The website is based on a state-of-the-art architecture designed especially to serve nonprofit organizations like ours. It makes administering the website easier, quicker, and more straightforward, and it seamlessly supports other MPG functions — notably membership signups, renewals, and payments. 
And, yes, to those who have been asking — you will be able to print out a current-year membership card after paying your 2023 membership dues. 

The new site and associated automated functions won't solve all our issues, but they will go a long way to helping MPG serve its members the way they deserve to be served.
We look forward to your contributions to the new MPG website.

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